
  1. GPC Update – I feel like a broken record reporting to you each week, but once again this past Sunday we broke another all-time attendance record. This time the record we broke was in Grace Kids with a total of 324 kids in our 2 services. Praise the Lord, for the continued growth. What a privilege it is to minister Jesus and His Gospel to children every single week. Please continue to invite guests and welcome those who are new!
  2. Worship Night – This Sunday, March 9th, we will be having a Worship Night from 6-7:30PM. Childcare will be available for Pre-K and under, beginning at 5:45PM. Please RSVP for childcare here.
  3. Can You Serve On Worship Night? – To allow parents of young children to participate in Worship Night, we offer childcare (Pre-K and under). We are in need of volunteers who have a heart for kids and desire to bless families by serving in this way. If you would like to volunteer, please click here. If you have questions, contact Pastor Bob.
  4. Momentum Youth Conference – We are inviting all our 8th-12th graders to the Momentum Conference (July 15-20, 2025). Momentum is the best week of the Summer and includes a week of worship, teaching, community, and fun. The early bird pricing will end on March 15th. You can sign your student up, and get more information about the conference here.
  5. GPS Soccer Coaches Needed – Believe it or not, GPS Spring Soccer is just over 4 weeks away! We are looking for 10 coaches from GPC to help in our 4-6 year old league. If you are interested in learning more, please click here.
  6. Ushers Needed – We are in need of a few more ushers for Sunday morning worship services. If you are interested, please reach out to David Coleman.
  7. First Steps – Are you new to GPC or have you been attending for a while and want to learn more about us? Our First Steps class is a great introduction to who we are and how to get plugged in. The next class will be Sunday, April 6th at 11AM. If you are interested, sign-up here.
  8. Summer Camps – Impact Camp and Soccer Camp registration is now open! Come join us for two amazing weeks of camp. Click here to register or to find out more!

See you this Sunday at 9AM or 11AM! I cannot wait!

God bless you!
Pastor Jeff

© 2024 Grace Powell Church

Sundays at 9 AM & 11 AM
7600 Liberty Rd N Powell, OH 43065

Sundays at 9 AM & 11 AM
7600 Liberty Rd N Powell, OH 43065