
  1. God is doing amazing things – For the past month God has been blessing our church with numerical growth. This past Sunday we had just shy of 1500 people in attendance between our 2 services. I want to assure you we are working hard to ensure we have enough parking spaces and seats for everyone who wants to worship with us. Most importantly, God is moving in our midst. May I continue to encourage you to prepare your heart, show up early, sing loudly, and have your Bible and journal ready to grow spiritually.

  2. Holy Habits Shirts – So many of you asked about the Holy Habits t-shirts the staff wore last week that we decided to make them available for you to purchase! The cost for the shirt is $15 and you will be able to order using a QR code starting this Sunday for the next 2 weeks.

  3. Tech Team Volunteers Needed – The GPC Worship Tech Team is in need of willing volunteers to serve on the Livestream Broadcast Team. You don’t need experience, just to be teachable and willing to serve. If interested, please contact Pastor Bob or our Livestream Coordinator, Josh Northeimer.

  4. The Gathering Event – Our next Gathering Event is Sunday, February 9th following 2nd service in the Family Center! If you are interested in learning about God’s mission to reach the nations through GPC. Please RSVP here!

  5. Baptism – The next Baptism service will be Sunday, February 23rd. If you put your faith in Jesus and desire to take this next step of obedience please fill out this form. If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Brad.

Looking forward to seeing you on Sunday at 9 or 11AM as we dive into the holy habit of Fasting and Prayer.

God bless you!
Pastor Jeff

© 2024 Grace Powell Church

Sundays at 9 AM & 11 AM
7600 Liberty Rd N Powell, OH 43065

Sundays at 9 AM & 11 AM
7600 Liberty Rd N Powell, OH 43065